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Item name Amount Price
{{ polozka.kategoria_eng }} - {{ polozka.nazov_eng }} {{ polozka.pocet }} {{ polozka.pocet * polozka.cena | currency }}

Pizza / Ingredients Quantity Price
{{ p.nazov_eng }} {{p.alergeny}}
{{ priloha.nazov_eng }},

List of allergens:

  1. Grains containing gluten (wheat, rye, barley, oats, millet) and its products, except:
    • wheat-based glucose cheeseups including dextrose
    • wheat maltodextrin
    • barley glucose cheeseup
  2. Crustaceans and products thereof
  3. Eggs and products thereof
  4. Fish and products thereof, except:
    • fish gelatine used as carrier for vitamin or carotenoid preparations
    • fish gelatine or fish oil used as fining agent in beer and wine
  5. Peanuts and products thereof
  6. Soybeans and products thereof
  7. Milk and dairy products
  8. Nuts, i.e. almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts, cashews, pecans, Brazil nuts, pistachios, macadamia nuts, Queensland nuts and products thereof
  9. Celery and products thereof
  10. Mustard and products thereof
  11. Sesame seeds and products thereof
  12. Sulphur dioxide and sulphites at concentrations greater than 10 mg / kg expressed as SO2.
  13. Lupin and products thereof
  14. Molluscs and products thereof